Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The best year yet

So long 2012, what an AMAZING year you were.

When I reflect back on everything that has happened since January 1, 2012 I can't believe I was able to cram so many huge things into just 365 days.

I started the year right where I will begin 2013. Bodega Bay on the Sonoma Coast

I actually caught a very awful 24 hour stomach flu and was stuck at home extremely sick...

Started 2012 on the Sonoma Coast

A few weeks later i ran my first half marathon in Phoenix.

Followed by a February of trekking through Europe and getting to visit Chamonix in the French Alps (one of the most spectacular places I have yet to visit.)

One of my best friends go married, I made a lot of new friends on trips to and from SF and got ready to say goodbye to other near and dear friends as I quit my job of 5 years (if you include my internship) and accepted a new position at a cable news network in San Francisco.

I packed up all my belongings which fit in a MINI VAN (!) and hit the road for northern California, San Francisco to be exact, where Jesse and I decided it was finally time to officially be BFF's again and hang out in the same place EVERYDAY!

I visited my best friend (and did some work) in NYC

I ran a 14 mile trail race, then got injured training for the San Francisco half marathon.

I celebrated my birthday in Napa.

Headed east to North Carolina.

Traveled about 7,000 miles in a week to visit Hawaii to see our friends get married!!

Covered my first Presidential election

Had Thanksgiving in Portland with my lovely family

Saw another one of my very best friends tie the knot in a gorgeous ceremony <3

Had our first Christmas in San Francisco, in our apartment I adore

We finished the year the way we always do, at Mochitsuki in LA with J's family.

Phew!!! All of these are just bits and pieces of an extraordinary year. After going through all my photos I am so grateful for everything I got to see and do and this list is just a small chunk!

I am so beyond thankful for all the amazing opportunities I have been given and the experiences I have had. Honestly, this has been the best year of my life.  Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you for helping me be able to say that. Can't wait to continue my journey and see what 2013 has in store for me.

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