Monday, September 10, 2012

Back in Business!

After eight very long weeks of not running I am happy to announce I have made my (not so triumphant) return!!!

Sunday J and I headed down to our favorite long run route and I managed to get in two whole miles. Woo hoo! I felt surprisingly good and had no ankle pain. I took three stretch breaks just to be sure but I think I am back to my regular ol' self. I couldn't be happier.

After 8 weeks of only doing yoga and some light weight lifting it feels great to get back to my normal routine. I actually started a new boot camp class tonight to get to where I was on my fitness scale and to be ready for a very special occasion.

Fitting into my new Lululemon bikini during our trip to Hawaii in 5 weeks!

My new swim suit! (Can I order those abs, too, please?)

Basically, I am obsessed with Lululemon. I love everything they make and would own everything in their store if it wasn't so crazy expensive. I have a rule to only buy their stuff if it's on sale. I scored this steal of a two piece online recently. It was under $45 for both pieces. I love it. However, I can totally see the aftermath of eight weeks off from fat burning workouts like jumping, running, lunges, etc. My love handles are totally feeling the love, and I am totally not.

Hopefully my new routine of 3-4 bootcamps a week mixed with running and yoga will have me ready to hit the beach before our trip with the only love going on being me admiring my cute reversible suit.

Here's to doing hard work and appreciating how awesome it is to be able to run again and thankful for the body's amazing ability to heal.

Have you ever bought anything to motivate you to reach a fitness goal?

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