Sunday, March 24, 2013

Getting Fast(er) (my version of fast)

I ran a 5K today and PR'd! Hooray. It was my first one since July where I ran a 29:17. My 5K PR was previously a 28:46. I went in to today not expecting too much because I didn't feel super fresh but I had three goal times in mind.

Goal A: 26:15
Goal B: 26:45
Goal C: 27:30

I had no idea how the course was going to be and I knew I just really wanted to break 28 minutes with secret hope to break 27. (Yes, I am probably much slower than you.)

I woke up late feeling rushed and not very excited. However, once we got lined up I was feel pumped and took off near the front of the pack which is unlike me. I went out wayyyy too fast and struggled to get into a groove with my breathing the first quarter of a mile. Once I did I felt fine and just pushed at a pace I knew I could keep the whole way. I put in a few bursts of speed on a few stretches of the course then felt terrible the final .2 miles uphill to the finish. In fact, this was the first time I nearly vomited while running. I had to do everything I could to not got sick. I held it back, kicked it up a notch and ran across the finish line. I thought I ran around a 26:25 but found out my official time was 26:18!!!! NEW PR!

13/144 Age group
67/1181 Females
233/1820 Overall

I'll take it! Here's to my sub 25 5K, a sub 2:00 half, and a sub 5:00 marathon!!!

I am taking the next month off from any running over six miles. I am focusing solely on strength training, yoga and getting into really strong gear to start my marathon training. I can't believe training starts soon. Eeeeep!

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