Monday, April 8, 2013

Off week

I took a big big vacation from my workout schedule and typical semi-healthy eating. (wow that sounds lame) In fact, I only ran two miles on the treadmill along with a small little weight training session then a one hour boxing class Saturday. Not to mention ate way too many sweets. But hey, you can do that every once and again. Time to get back on track today. Marathon training starts in three weeks. So I am doing a light cleanse this week of mostly vegan food, aside from dinner tonight and an already scheduled lunch date this week.

Evidence of too many treats...

In order to keep myself accountable here goes my week all typed out...

Monday: Breakfast: Oatmeal with chia seeds, almonds, berries and a tbl of honey, lunch: juice and fruit and cashews. dinner: turkey, kale and black bean tacos. Workout: three miles, strength session.

Tuesday: Breakfast: Almond milk smoothie and banana, lunch: leftover kale black bean tacos, dinner: green juice. AM Barre class, pm yoga

Wednesday: Breakfast: Green juice, Lunch: lunch with work friends at a tea house Dinner: brussel sprouts and sweet potato. Spin class.

Thursday: Breakfast: almond milk smoothie and banana Lunch: quinoa salad, Dinner: brussel sprouts and sweet potato. Run four miles + strength.

Friday: Breakfast: oatmeal same as monday, Lunch: kale salad from Darwin Cafe! (the best): dinner: homemade vegan pizza yummm!! Happy hour yoga.

Saturday: Run 6 miles and have a free eating day.

Sunday: yoga, brunch cheat meal out, try a new recipe for dinner.
I am trying these juices out this week. I picked up my first batch this morning. I'll write a review after I try a few more of them.

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