Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Five Things

1. I had a legit race with a guy on my lunch run yesterday. We raced the last 1.25 miles which actually caused me to unofficially PR my 5K time with a finish of 26:21. Sweet. Also, I love "chicking" guys.

2. My laundry situation is becoming a big issue. I have way too many workout clothes that I need to wash and the lack of a washing machine in my apartment, let alone building makes it such a hassle to wash all this stuff. I can only imagine what will happen when i get to my six day a week training schedule.

Yes, I just put a photo of my dirty workout gear on the internet
3. I never used to understand why people would want their significant other to come along on their runs with them, but the more my longs runs take up time on my weekends the more I understand. Since J is never home due to traveling for work Saturday is the one full day of the week we usually have together. I could move my long run to Sunday, but I rather not have to change my whole schedule. I wish he would come run some miles with me.

4. My lovely grandmother who I recently went to see in Boston sent me a Keurig as a "thank you" for going to visit her. Being the coffee fiend I am I used that thing about four times a day while their. She wanted to give me something for my apartment so she just sent one over. She is the sweetest, ever.

My french press is going to feel neglected (only on weekdays, weekends are for french press)
5. I still like sitting on my roof with a glass of wine looking out across the bay. It's forever one of my favorite views.
From my rooftop.

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