Saturday, August 25, 2012

Paleo Project

We've been talking about going Paleo for months now. Our fitness goals make us perfect candidates.  (Six pack, please?) However, I love carbs. Bagels, cupcakes, croissants, ravioli. You name it, I love it. I know I can't go completely paleo because I definitely need to get my pizza on sometimes. (And my cupcake on, chocolate chip cookies on, Tartine dates on, you get the picture.)

Back to the pizza; two of our lovely friends are getting married in October and in prep to look extra amazing for their wedding in Hawaii they are eating mostly paleo, too. So in order to have a great dinner together without breaking diet I decided I'd hold a paleo pizza party at our apartment. Pizza, salad, paleo chocolate cake for dessert.

I've made flourless chocolate cake a million times but never with coconut oil or honey rather than sugar.   This recipe I will share after I get it to taste a tiny bit more sweet. But what I was most nervous about was the pizza crust. Almond meal flour and arrowroot powder? How good can that taste?

To everyone's surprise (mostly mine) it tasted AMAZING! So good in fact that I have to share the crust recipe with you.

Paleo Pizza! Yes, I put cheese on mine because I can't live without cheese. 

Paleo pizza crust adapted from the Unrefined Kitchen:

2 cups almond flour
1 cup tapioca flour (this is what I changed on the recipe)
1 1/2 tsp baking powder (make sure it's aluminum free!)
1 1/2 tsp sea salt
1 1/2 tps oregano
grind in some black pepper
throw in a dash of garlic powder
3 eggs
1/2 cup of almond milk

1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees, grease a cookie sheet with oil of choice
2. Combine dry ingredients in bowl and stir
3. Add wet ingredients to the dry ones. Mix well. The "dough" will be runny
4. Spread with spatula onto cookie sheet
5. Bake crust 8-12 min
6. Pull out and top with whatever you'd like
7. Cook for about 8-10 more minutes
8. Enjoy!!

We topped it with lots of veggies, fresh garlic, basil, uncured and nitrate free pepperoni, and some nitrate free prosciutto. Applegate makes some great meats and the only ones I buy these days. If you aren't crazy strict, add a little cheese.

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