Double digits! Saturday I ran my first 10 miler in 6 months. I finished in one hour and 38 minutes. (roughly 9:48 pace) Three more miles at that pace sounded not so great Saturday. However, I was a complete idiot and didn't drink any water the whole time which would have helped immensely on such a warm day. I did take sports beans at mile five. They are my new favorite mid-run fuel since Gu, Shot Bloks and Gu Chomps all make me feel absolutely terrible.
Saturday's sunny 10 miler |
It's been exceptionally warm in northern California the past four days. I am talking 65 degrees, which for a snowy mountain town person like me means short sleeves and sandals weather for January. I am loving it, but after dressing in long sleeves, ear warmers, gloves and a jacket for my run Saturday I realized I will need to better think out my race day outfit. Singlet, shorts, compression socks, and a hat is what I am thinking. Hopefully we'll have great weather like this weekend.
Recovery (I needed some salt, right?) |
Other things of note. I finally tried Craftsman and Wolves in the Mission. Sadly, the only thing I really loved was the chocolate chip cookie. The Rebel Within and the Chocolate Croissant Stack were not that great. I am a huge chocolate croissant fan and super picky and for $3.50 theirs didn't do much for me. I will stick to Tartine if I want to drop that much for a croissant.
The Rebel Within at Craftsman and Wolves |
This morning I woke up with a desire to bake muffins and tried
this recipe. And WOW. They came out amazing and I wanted to eat all 12 of them, but I settled on eating two.
Thank you cards, coffee and muffins |
And in more exciting news, Jesse went to a yoga class with me. It was his first and I think he really liked it. He couldn't believe how hard some of the poses can be or how sweaty a good vinyasa class is. Now we are off to do laundry and get through the next four work days. Happy running, friends.